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Seeking Publication:
Prometheus for Breakfast


"It sounds like a pretty hilarious book." - Steven King*
*Not Stephen, the Author. Steven, the boiler repairman.

"The most meaningful book I've ever read." - Dolly Llama*
*Not the Dalai Lama. An actual llama named Dolly. Don't ask how.

In the beginning, GOD created the Earth — a profound statement unless you know that by "GOD," I mean the General Observable Dimension corporation, and by "Earth," I refer to their immensely profitable simulation known as human existence.

Among the lesser-known creations of GOD is Richard, a nobody to everyone on Earth except for his beloved wife and children. After his sudden demise, Richard finds himself in a transformed version of Hell — an unlikely utopia built upon a foundation of smothered fire and brimstone by its inhabitants. Here, the damned confront their metaphorical demons with the aid of literal ones, and the nature of existence is explained through stories of broken teapots and filthy hamburgers.

Paradise is lost when GOD becomes aware of the transformation and reignites the inferno, plunging Hell back into chaos. Richard must rise as an unlikely hero, embarking on a daring quest to locate the elusive Lucifer and save the souls of Hell from an eternity of torment. But does this ordinary man stand a chance in Hell against the overwhelming might of GOD?

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